Alex Siniari has been holding down a live music event at Pratt’s Hill of Beans ever since Storm ended. He’s got flyers ready for when Pratt’s finishes moving, and they look great:

DSCN1868 1 1 Alex Siniaris last night at Pratts Hill of Beans on July 7th 2009

Only one of the posters

Alex had Dan Ruiz open for him, and then Alex got on to play his set list. Alex Siniari was featured as the first interviewed artist on JerseyMic. You can read the interview below:

Interview with Singer-Songwriter Alex Siniari

You can read more about his Monday night performances by checking his blog out (including MORE poster images and a full list of his songs):

The new Pratt’s will be open soon enough, and there will be plenty more pictures and reviews then!

Related posts:

  1. Pratt’s Hill of Beans in Egg Harbor Township is moving
  2. Updates for JerseyMic (The end of June)
  3. Storm is on Hiatus, JerseyMic updates
  4. Pictures + video from Gregorio’s Market Open Mic (July 8th, 2009)
  5. Comments will be on hold until the 25th