ehtjamz 050309 009 225x300 EHT Jamz on June 20th, 2009 at Pratts Hill of Beans (pics + video!)

EHT Jamz Poster

EHT Jamz on Saturday, June 20th, 2009 at Pratt’s Hill of Beans

In case you haven’t read the overview of the “EHT Jamz” open mic at Pratt’s Hill of Beans, you can check it by clicking below:

EHT Jamz at Pratt’s Hill Of Beans in EHT, New Jersey

The weather was pretty crummy, but there was still a good turnout for EHT Jamz. The open mic is run by Adam Shaber, and his dad, Matt. There’s two videos and a ton of photos from the night!

3645095535 07dc33f46c EHT Jamz on June 20th, 2009 at Pratts Hill of Beans (pics + video!)

Adam singing and his Dad to the left

There was a long list of performers on the set list:

  • Adam Shaber
  • Steve Raynolds
  • “Dana”
  • “Robyn”
  • “Mike”
  • Adam/Andy/Ryan
  • “Ashley”
  • “Robin”

You can see the photos from the night by looking at the slideshow below, or visiting’s Flickr set for EHT Jamz on June 20th, 2009:

If you comment below, I’ll add your specific photo to the post along with your setlist. Do it!

Adam Shaber sang “I’ve Just Seen a Face” by The Beatles, which we caught on video!

And in the very end, Adam and friends played “Evil Ways” by Santana. It was a very well performed version of the song, and a great way to end the night!

That’s all for EHT Jamz on Saturday, June 20th, 2009 at Pratt’s Hill of Beans in EHT, New Jersey!

Make sure to comment if you went, especially if you performed. You alone make JerseyMic better!

POW! Mike rocks.

3645095661 9c55abe04d EHT Jamz on June 20th, 2009 at Pratts Hill of Beans (pics + video!)

Mike rocks.

June 22nd 2009: Adam Rocks on the right.

 EHT Jamz on June 20th, 2009 at Pratts Hill of Beans (pics + video!)

Adam Rocks on the right (sorry, guy on the left)

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