When I think of the major developments I’d like to see in JerseyMic, I think of a couple things. I like to think in terms of future growth and how possible it will be to cover all of the open mics in New Jersey. I need to focus JerseyMic. My friends know me as a list-person; I love making to-do lists. I’m holding myself personally responsible for the improvements listed below:
Getting help for the upcoming year.
- I made a promise to myself that in a year, I would see where JerseyMic was at and decide whether or not to keep working at it. I’m going to need help to even make it to this point. It’s not so much the site administration as much as it is going to the events and reporting as well as getting the word out. I need more volunteers.
- JerseyMic is a labor of love, and just about as hard as love. With our super targeted user base, I think a sponsorship would be a great exchange for both the site and the business. Contacting local businesses with this opportunity would be a great way to fund the site.
- New Jersey is big. Bigger than me, and bigger than my car. I’m a South Jersey guy and I think it’s time to go super-local. I think for the sanity of the site (and myself), JerseyMic will be remaining in the lower half of NJ for a while. Another range will most likely be sticking to coffee shops and the like, while staying away from the bar scene.
More features
- I’m a computer science student and I want to use what I’m learning on the website. I think it would be great to try and create some new features for the website. I’m in the process of making a secondary list of features.
- I’m a computer science student and I want to use what I’m learning on the website. I think it would be great to try and create some new features for the website. I’m in the process of making a secondary list of features.
- I’ve constructed some JerseyMic packages that I’d like to get into the hands of people that could help go towards gas money.
Social events
- I still have a JerseyMic party on the backburner that hasn’t happened. It’ll be an open mic with a couple neat side aspects (read: miracle fruit). I want it to happen this year, I need to be more aggressive with planning and calling people.
There you have it. Big talk that doesn’t mean a thing without action. Some readers won’t really care for this post, but I’ve always been intrigued by what goes on behind the scenes at websites I like. If you’ve got any input, questions, or anything, comment!
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#1 by Alex Siniari on August 31, 2009 - 12:17 am
That picture gives me a headache. If you catch me before my tour starts in October I’m down to help cover an event or two as a guest reviewer for Jerseymic.com. If you give me a t-shirt to wear, that is.
#2 by JerseyMic on August 31, 2009 - 8:24 am
I know, I thought it was a good picture though.
The T-Shirts ain’t cheap! I’ll do my best though. I need all the help I can get.
#3 by Alex Siniari on September 4, 2009 - 1:30 am
I’ll wash it and give back, I just want to look official and wear it while I rock the house. The coffee house, that is.
#4 by JerseyMic on September 4, 2009 - 7:27 am
Ha! Okay maybe that’ll work
. I’m doing the best I can to stay active, but this semester is going to be INSANE.
#5 by Alex Siniari on September 10, 2009 - 2:27 am
My jerseystix word was battery and it has made it into a song.
#6 by JerseyMic on September 10, 2009 - 6:57 am
This is exactly what I was hoping would happen. Keep me posted!