gregorios may1309 001 300x225 Gregorios Market on June 24th, 2009 (pictures + video)

Outside of Gregorio's Market in Mays Landing

Here’s the picture-slideshow from Gregorio’s Market in Mays Landing, NJ on June 24th, 2009. If you haven’t read the overview for Gregorio’s Market, you can read about it below:

Gregorio’s Market in Mays Landing, NJ – Open Mic on Wednesdays

You can also look at the individual pictures by going to the Gregorio’s Market open mic night photo-set from June 24th, 2009


Ryan Conover singing “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots”

Adam Shaber and Andy Wiggins playing “She Likes Me” (original)

And of course, La Bamba, sung by Eddie and played by Stan

Related posts:

  1. Pictures from the Gregorio’s Market open mic on Wednesday, June 4th, 2009
  2. Gregorio’s Market in Mays Landing on Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 (pictures!)
  3. Gregorio’s Market open mic night on Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 (pics + video)
  4. Gregorio’s Market open mic in Mays Landing on July 22nd, 2009
  5. OC Fine Arts League pictures from July 24th, 2009