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Here’s the update on

  • The newly proclaimed and secret intern is going to have TWO open mics covered by this time next week. Expect awesome photos! This is going to be great timing now that Pratt’s Hill of Beans is moving. That’s three less legitimate reviews on the site icon sad Interns, updates, and parties
  • Miracle Fruit Party: my goal is to have it set up by the end of the summer, but that might be rushing it. I’ll be losing a couple people by waiting until the fall, but it might have to happen. If you have any ideas or suggestions on a cool place to get everyone together, let me know.
  • There’s a lot of little updates that have been going on behind the scenes. It’s been hard to be able to update on the website because I’m only one person. Soon that will change! JerseyStix, promoting the website, and making a master list of open mics to go to.
  • I’m considering have a logo legitimately made. Or some professional design work on the site. This might wait.


Also, if you been FOLLOWING THE TWITTER (please do!) , you would see that:

“What’s the best value at the shore in the summer?

‘The best value is definitely open mics in N.J. They’re free and loads of fun. I look them up on’

Stan Schwertly”



Keep checking the site out as I do everything a human can do to make it better.

(and…if you haven’t added a line to the song game, do it now (please). You can be totally anonymous.

Related posts:

  1. Storm is on Hiatus, JerseyMic updates
  2. Updates for JerseyMic (The end of June)
  3. Updates! Flickr, Maps of Open mics, and lots more!
  4. Progress with the “list”
  5. JerseyMic is on Twitter