It’s finally time to reveal the identity of the JerseyMic intern. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:


 Joshua Gager is the secret JerseyMic intern

Josh Gager, DaVinci's original inspirtation

Josh is a sophomore at Rowan University. He’s currently studying journalism and he’s already the photo editor of The Whit, Rowan’s school newspaper. He has aspriations of becoming a photographer for National Geographic, and is certainly on his way through all of the work he is doing.

Josh has decided to help when he can by going out to new and exciting open mics. Outside of increasing the amount of coverage we get, he’ll be able to take (much) better shots than I can. So when he isn’t helping the AC Weekly by editing their videos, Josh will be taking names and kicking photographs for

A big welcome to the JerseyMic team, and I personally can’t wait for his contributions. He’s already got his own account to post with and he’s got his first draft ready for the cutting room floor. You’ll be able to see of his work in his first upcoming entry from a poetry mic in Ocean City by the Ocean City Fine Arts League. Hip hip, hooray!

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