vegetable wrap 300x225 July Wrapup!

It's a wrap!

The month of July was HOT! As hoped for, JerseyMic is still growing by leaps and bounds. The exposure this month was phenomenal. Outside of a growing effort to advertise the name, there was a boom in visitors from sources like craiglist and what I hope is traffic from the business cards.

(Did you see the business cards? I’ll scan one in to show everyone in a couple days.)

Beside the 2,250 pageviews served up last month, we had some considerable growth for the site. Like the intern! Read more about Josh by clicking this sentence.

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Not Josh, but representative of his mastery of the camera.

There were 19 posts this month. Readers got a peek inside the JerseyMic briefcase and also got to download a concise, print-friendly list of open mics. On top of all that, we lost Pratt’s Hill of Beans (because they’re moving).

But the most popular post in July was definitely, without a doubt:


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Did you think I would hesitate to use this?

With so many views (and comments), the JerseyMic song game takes the cake for this month. And there was considerable growth for the song’s sake the other night. I handed out cards with the current set of lyrics. I received several new lines right there and then on the spot!

Make sure you go into that song game post and HELP FINISH WRITING THE SONG!

There is a LOT planned for this website. I have high hopes that this month of August will bring some dire-needed changes.


Would you like a list? Because I have one. Comments please.

Related posts:

  1. Updates! Flickr, Maps of Open mics, and lots more!
  2. Joshua Gager is the secret JerseyMic intern
  3. The SONG GAME!
  4. Storm is on Hiatus, JerseyMic updates
  5. Alex Siniari’s last night at Pratt’s Hill of Beans on July 7th 2009