I went to the Music Boutique in Northfield NJ on Friday, October 16th, 2009.

I went there to meet Ox. Ox Roxley.

4027335969 0acb9a1073 Ox Roxley and the Music Boutique in Northfield 10 16 09

Ox Roxley "roxing" out at the Music Boutique

Ox Roxley is the name of the next set of hands helping out JerseyMic.com. He’s agreed to send me video clips from open mics he goes to, shortened to include the best 30 seconds from different acts of the night.

Be excited! He’s been to three other open mics this week alone, including:

And he’s got clips from the three of them! I’ll be uploading them here soon, but if you want to find out more about Ox Roxley, check out his myspace at:


He’s a Brigantine local and a very talented musician. Expect a blast of posts coming up with video clips from him and hopefully some reviews if he feels so inclined!

The Music Boutique

Ox Roxley | MySpace Music Videos

And if you feel like you want to volunteer and help out, send me an email through the “Email me” page

Related posts:

  1. Revamping The Music Boutique Open Mic
  2. Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009
  3. Open Mic Video from Wash’s in Pleasantville (Ox Roxley!)
  4. The BEST OF three open mics from this week! (Short clips)
  5. New videos from the Ox! OX Roxley. Hibiscus, Sherlock’s, JR’s Tavern