shop31 300x136 Pratts Hill of Beans in Egg Harbor Township is moving

Pratt's Hill of Beans in EHT, NJ is moving

Leave your best memory of Pratt’s Hill of Beans in a comment below.

Going in on Monday night to watch Alex Siniari perform, I found out that Pratt’s Hill of Beans in EHT, NJ is moving.

Instead, this Thursday you can go to the Doris Jazz Room in Pleasantville NJ for an open mic hosted by Ray Tyler.
Post with pictures and Best Of Pratt’s is in the works. Along with pictures from Alex Siniari’s last Monday night at Pratt’s.

Related posts:

  1. Alex Siniari’s last night at Pratt’s Hill of Beans on July 7th 2009
  2. Storm is on Hiatus, JerseyMic updates
  3. Interns, updates, and parties
  4. July Wrapup!
  5. Revamping The Music Boutique Open Mic