3771445606 21eedbdf7c Review of the Bus Stop Music Cafe Open Mic in Pitman

The front of the Bus Stop Music Cafe in Pitman, NJ

I went to Pitman to find out what the Bus Stop Music Cafe was all about. I was told it was great and boy was I told right.

The deatils:

  • Every Tuesday starting at 7pm.
  • Located at 148 S. Broadway in Pitman, NJ
  • Hosted by Vick Martinson
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Host Vick Martinson at the Bus Stop Music Cafe in Pitman

The bares bones truth is that this open mic rocks. I say that fully knowing how cliche that sounds on an open mic blog, but that’s just the way it is. I highly recommend the Bus Stop Music Cafe. I place it in the same league as the Barrington Coffee House, which I reviewed earlier this year. There must be something about the area!

So where do you start when you’ve already built something up so much? Probably with a picture of the inside:

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The inside of the Bus Stop Music Cafe is lined with records

And while this photo serves more as a testament to the event’s popularity, it also gives us a glimpse at the inside. The Bus Stop Music Cafe has the same kind of cool feel that Coffee.Comedy in Sea Isle City has, which is a very good thing.

I’d like to also note that there were people of all ages, and everyone was very talented!

Outside of having a great crowd and a cool inside, the Bus Stop Music Cafe’s open mic night has a dedicated soundman. His name is “Wolfman Fran”, which is just as awesome as the idea of a dedicated sound-guy at an open mic. There’s not much more to explain other than the fact that he did a great job. Oh, and he turns out echo when Vick announces someone. “Hereeeeeeeee’s Joe!”

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Wolfman Fran keeping everything under control

(The Bus Stop is also holding it’s own with a very nice Bose speaker setup. Definitely a treat.)

Let’s review:

  • Packed event - don’t worry about showing up to three people, because it’s a well known night.
  • Cool environment – if the walls don’t make you play more soulfully, it’s your own fault.
  • Dedicated sound guy – Because you’re tired of listening to “Can you hear my voice? Is my guitar too loud?

I should be getting paid for this kind of thing! But seriously everybody, check out the Bus Stop Music Cafe on Tuesdays, it’s a great time.

(And don’t forget: You can download a print-friendly list of open mics! It includes this one and is ALWAYS up-to-date. Get it here: http://jerseymic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/loom.pdf)

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