So Storm is going on Hiatus until some time in June. If you haven’t read about it, check out the review of storm HERE or you can see pictures from the event:
Anyway, we look forward to updates on what’s happening over at Pratt’s Hill of Beans. You can use the search bar on the right and type in “Pratt’s” to find out more about what happens at Pratt’s Hill of Beans in EHT NJ, or you can click Our List of Open Mics to get a taste of what there is out there.
JerseyMic is implementing new, better ways to support itself.
The site has been live for over a month now, and the first solid month (May) is almost over. Expect a report on how JerseyMic’s first month went and hopefully, a better way of including advertising that won’t be so annoying.
We’re thinking of getting a forum. Would a forum sound interesting to you? Would you participate? Let us know in the comments section. Just type in your name and email, along with a “Yes” or “No”. How can we make JerseyMic better for you?
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