Posts Tagged alex siniari

Alex Siniari and Dustin Miller – NJ tour

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Alex Siniari

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Dustin Miller

I’ve interviewed both Dustin Miller and Alex Siniari before on JerseyMic. I’ve talked about Alex’s blog before and I’ve seen them at a lot of open mics.

And if you’ve kept up on Alex’s blog, you’d see that the two of them have been working on an album together. And they’ve been preparing for their NJ tour.

They’ve planned the tour in “phases”. Every month is a new phase, and something new will be introduced into the show, or something will be built upon. Right now they switch back and forth playing their music, but as the months go on:

  • they’ll be playing on each other’s songs
  • there will be more instruments
  • they’ll be looping sounds behind them

And more. In fact, Dustin’s blog has a little droplet more (from the only post so far on

Phase #2 – 10:
These phases of our “tour” will get increasingly complex, with a move towards using loop pedals and various other effects and instruments to create a fuller sound on stage. By Phase #10 we hope to achieve a “full band” effect, using drums, percussion, pre-recorded loops and ambient noises, multiple guitars, and other forms of sonic communication.

Alex’s site has an up-to-date listing of upcoming shows. Here’s what’s in store for now:

10/30/09 7PM The Treehouse Cafe Audubon NJ

10/31/09 7PM Trinity Irish Pub The Pier@ Caesers Atlantic CIty NJ

11/06/09 6PM The Groundhouse Pitman NJ

11/08/09 7PM The Twisted Tree Cafe Asbury Park NJ

I’ll keep you updated about the tour periodically, and if you want to show up to one of the dates, feel free to email me about it!

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The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)

iveyjn The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)


The Doris Jazz Room is located in Pleasantville, NJ. Last night, in light of the recent news that Pratt’s Hill of Beans is moving from their EHT location, the Thursday night open mic was held at The Doris Jazz Room. Ray Tyler was the host and he went out of his way to make sure there was an event for Thursday night.

Fortunately, and unfortunately, the night was much smaller than expected:

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The meetup at the Doris Jazz Room

But don’t let the small turnout fool you. From this open mic was some of the best conversation and exchange this side of open mics. And The Doris Jazz Room happened to be the debut of JerseyStix, explained after the fold!

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Alex Siniari’s last night at Pratt’s Hill of Beans on July 7th 2009

Alex Siniari has been holding down a live music event at Pratt’s Hill of Beans ever since Storm ended. He’s got flyers ready for when Pratt’s finishes moving, and they look great:

DSCN1868 1 1 Alex Siniaris last night at Pratts Hill of Beans on July 7th 2009

Only one of the posters

Alex had Dan Ruiz open for him, and then Alex got on to play his set list. Alex Siniari was featured as the first interviewed artist on JerseyMic. You can read the interview below:

Interview with Singer-Songwriter Alex Siniari

You can read more about his Monday night performances by checking his blog out (including MORE poster images and a full list of his songs):

The new Pratt’s will be open soon enough, and there will be plenty more pictures and reviews then!

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Alternative Soul (pictures and video) from June 25th, 2009

shop31 300x136 Alternative Soul (pictures and video) from June 25th, 2009

Pratt's Hill of Beans in EHT, NJ

Here are pictures from Alternative Soul on June 25th, 2009. (“Alternative Soul” is the name of the open mic hosted by Ray Tyler at Pratt’s Hill of Beans on Thursdays.) Click below to read the JerseyMic review:

Alternative Soul at Pratt’s Hill of Beans in Egg Harbor Township

The night started off with Mico Lucide’s birthday!

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Mico Ludide

Plenty of people showed up before the open mic to celebrate. There was a cake too!

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Happy Birthday Mico

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Interview with singer-songwriter Alex Siniari

DSCN1868 1 Interview with singer songwriter Alex Siniari

Alex Siniari

This is the first in our newest category “Interviews with NJ Artists”. This is with local arist & singer-songwriter Alex Siniari, recently highlighted in the Philadelphia Inquirer with his Father.

So how long have you been playing guitar?

I’ve been in love with the guitar for a long time but our most recent affair has been the only time we’ve ever taken each other seriously. My Father played in a band back in his younger years and later on in life, he had a friend named Paul Leka, he and his band (Steam) wrote a song that became famous some time ago. Ever heard, “Nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye!”?  That guy. Anyway, he gave me a guitar when I was a boy but I didn’t have the sense to practice. I used to think strumming the strings open was a song. After a while, I lost interest completely and forgot about the guitar all together. I would tell people I could play because I wanted to so badly but I had no idea. I’d try to play here and there but had no clue.

How long have you been writing songs?

After flirting with the idea for a long time I finally bought my Ibanez and started trying to write songs. I never learned to read music and I still haven’t but at some point something clicked and music started to make sense to me. I still can’t sit down and write a song after a feeling or concept intentionally, it just has to come and I have little to no control. The song writes itself through me and I dig that, but often people don’t understand why I don’t write about myself or even get what I am singing about. I clearly remember telling my friend, JY that I could do this, I could write songs and play out. He is an incredible drummer so we’d jam here and there and I’d work up the nerve to play in front of people. I wrote one complete song with lyrics, that I have since completely forgotten, and a few instrumentals that either were lost to my poor memory or later developed into songs I play now, like “Free” and “Hand Over Mouth”. Free was the second song that I wrote, then came “So Far” so I’ve been writing somewhere around the two year mark.

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