Posts Tagged open mike

Ox Roxley and the Music Boutique in Northfield 10-16-09

I went to the Music Boutique in Northfield NJ on Friday, October 16th, 2009.

I went there to meet Ox. Ox Roxley.

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Ox Roxley "roxing" out at the Music Boutique

Ox Roxley is the name of the next set of hands helping out He’s agreed to send me video clips from open mics he goes to, shortened to include the best 30 seconds from different acts of the night.

Be excited! He’s been to three other open mics this week alone, including:

And he’s got clips from the three of them! I’ll be uploading them here soon, but if you want to find out more about Ox Roxley, check out his myspace at:

He’s a Brigantine local and a very talented musician. Expect a blast of posts coming up with video clips from him and hopefully some reviews if he feels so inclined!

The Music Boutique

Ox Roxley | MySpace Music Videos

And if you feel like you want to volunteer and help out, send me an email through the “Email me” page

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Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

3802285579 0f95de2e04 Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

The door outside of Music Boutique in Northfield, NJ

I just finished reviewing the Music Boutique in Northfield NJ. It was a very “loose” night. People came and went and the performers weren’t introduced in the traditional open mic manner. So there’s no detailed name list, just a short little post with a link to the pictures:

3803100908 8caa3c0fe5 Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

The Stage at the Music Boutique

It’s actually called “The Stage” in the email reminders sent out (hence the capitalization). It’s neat that these guys thought of putting it in their music store, especially since this venue is much younger than the store itself.

3803098940 3fe5059903 Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

The pretty guitars at the Music Boutique

The first 45 minutes (starts at 7pm) of the open mic was a jam session by some of the guys that were there. It was, like I said, very loose — I ended up playing xylophone in the background! And bongos. To reiterate the point from the review: you’ll run into musicians. The manager is a musician. I was approached by two people looking to do some music projects. If that’s what you’re looking for, then by all means, go here.

There’s a few more in the slideshow below:

That’s it for pictures from the Music Boutique open mic in Northfield NJ on August 7th, 2009!

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Review: The Music Boutique Open Mic on Fridays in Northfield, NJ

3802285561 70987a1ea6 Review: The Music Boutique Open Mic on Fridays in Northfield, NJ

The outside of The Music Boutique

The Music Boutique is in Northfield, NJ and holds open mics on Fridays starting at 7pm. It’s a pretty new (less than 6 months) music store in the area.

I went on a sow night, but I was assured that more people went on a regular basis. Regardless, it was a fun time. Expect to me talented musicians, as this is a music boutique. A group jammed for a little bit and I rocked out on xylophone and bongos. There’s a very loose feel to the place, but the manager Chris in very on the ball. He’s always remembered my name and it blows me away every time. I’m telling you: not one has he forgotten me. Incredible.

Go to Music Boutique on Fridays at 7pm because it’s a fun little time. Bring your friends and hang out. Depending on the night, you might need them. But I trust Chris. Read this little shot I took below if you can make it out. It’s essentially a kid’s story about why Music Boutique is such a great place:

3802283805 a56db3ab6d Review: The Music Boutique Open Mic on Fridays in Northfield, NJ

Tesitmony to awesome


  • Music Boutique:
    • 1333 New Rd # 1
    • Northfield, NJ 08225-1202
      (609) 383-9800
  • Fridays, 7pm
  • Musicians mostly.

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Pictures from the Red Bank Music Community Open Mic on 8-4-09

[removed at request of Red Bank Music Community]
Red Bank Music Community Post #1:  Some rambling before the Red Bank Music Community post

Red Bank Music Community Post #2: Review: Red Bank Music Community’s Open Mic on Tuesdays in Red Bank, NJ

These are the pictures from the Red Bank Music Community open mic on August 4th, 2009. There were so many great performers. I made sure to write everything down as always.

  • Grand plays piano“, played a grand piano and all original music
    • “Electric Blue”
    • “Color is Gone”
    • “Hot Sauce”
  • Tony Sloam is a classical Spanish guitar player and covered:
    • “Mr. Bojangles”
    • “City of New Orleans”
    • “Hotel California”
  • Linda Jude sang “Dark End of the Street
  • Stan Schwertly played guitar and sang
    • “Nyquil Blues”
    • “Mercedes Benz”
  • Alex Siniari, played guitar and sang original songs
    • “All Night Long”
    • Hand Over Mouth”
    • “Free”
  • John Vallo sang and played guitar
    • Untitled
    • “In Pursuit”
    • “Survive on the News”
  • Chuck Ferraiola, sang and played guitar. Sounded Elvis-like!
    • “Do It While You’re Young”
    • “The Road Ahead”
    • “It Amazes Me So”
  • Dan Leary played keyboard and writes music-comedy
    • “I’m Changing My Name to Chrysler”
    • “Love Survives on Little White Lies”
    • “Plastic Island”
  • Jim Johnson played guitar and sang some originals
    • “The Estate” had some back story to it too!
    • “Under Her Spell”
    • Jam session
  • John Bernyk came in with a “Neil Young” guitar and played what I can only describe as a “Neil Medley” in response to something “Grand plays piano” said last week.

That’s it from the Red Bank Music Community open mic night on Tuesday, August 4th, 2009 in Red Bank NJ!

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Review: The Treehouse Cafe Christian Open Mic in Audubon, NJ

3794404855 eca1ae56aa Review: The Treehouse Cafe Christian Open Mic in Audubon, NJ

The Treehouse Cafe

The Treehouse Cafe is in Audubon, NJ. They’re the hosts of two open mic nights, and the one I’m reviewing today is held on Sundays. Don’t take me wrong; I went to it last Sunday. I just got to posting it today though.

This is a Christian open mic, and it starts at 7pm and goes until 10pm. It was actually filled with people, which is something I wasn’t exactly expecting. There wasn’t a set list, but mentioning that you want to play is all you need. They said they have a kind of “house act” that plays until anyone else wants to go up. I didn’t feel like I was infringing  on anyone’s territory; everything was fine.

The Treehouse Cafe itself has a very nice inside. The wall behind the stage is lined with burlap coffee bags. I liked it. One thing to note is that your songs should be of the Christian persuasion. It’s certainly more religious than it isn’t, and that makes it perfect for the target audience.

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The inside of the Treehouse

As far as music goes, I would say that this is probably more concentrated on fellowship over exposure. Don’t go expecting to be a rockstar, but go if you want to be around other Christian performers.

That’s all!

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Review: Sherlock’s Books & Cafe Thursday night open mic

3571131154 4237ee093f Review: Sherlocks Books & Cafe Thursday night open mic

Sherlock's Books and Cafe

This is Alternative Soul’s infant cousin, the only living relative of the open mic family from Pratt’s Hill of Beans.

Sherlock’s Book and Cafe is the home to a lot of arts and music in the Smithville/Galloway area. It’s also the home of Unrestricted“, Ray Tyler’s adult open mic. Some of you may be wondering, “What happened to ‘Alternative soul’ at Pratt’s Hill of Beans?“. It’s here at Sherlock’s Books and Cafe in Smithville/Galloway.

Ray Tyler hosts this event, which starts at 8 and goes until 10pm. It’s a solid mix between singers and poets, and has some of the feel that “Alternative Soul” had at Pratt’s. There were gift card giveaways to newcomers and the talent was really good. Ray always starts off the night with some discussions and jokes, and some original poetry of his own.

The crowd varies in age but from what I saw, it was anywhere from late teens to late 30s, and everyone had about 10 minutes to perform. It was a good night, and a great job on Ray’s part by keeping Alternative Soul alive.


  • Sherlock’s Books & Cafe with host Ray Tyler
  • Thursday Nights starting at 8pm and continuing until 10pm
  • 45 South New York Road (Route 9) Galloway, NJ, 08205

You can also download a print-friendly list of our open mics by going to our “List of Open Mics” page!

Feel free to check out pictures of the new construction: New Addition at Sherlock’s Books and Cafe

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