Posts Tagged Somers Point

Bayfest Somers Point NJ 2010 with pictures!

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Bayfest 2010 in Somers Point NJ

This year’s Bayfest was even better than last year’s Bayfest! This year we’ve got professionally taken pictures to show you too. The pictures were provided by Josh Gager over at ShutterJunkie. If you’re interested in having professional pictures taken and receiving them quickly, email Josh at .

What did you think of this year’s Bayfest? Let us know in a comment below!

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The Beach in Somers Point

You can view the slideshow of pictures below:

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BAYFEST 2009 Somers Point NJ

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Bayfest Banner

We here at are all about covering the local South NJ area open mics. But every once in a while there are events like Bayfest that require their own post. I grabbed a couple pictures today from Somers Point NJ’s Bayfest.  In case you haven’t heard of Bayfest, you can check out the official website at:

From the website:

The Somers Point Bayfest is now the largest, single day festival in South Jersey. Here is information on this great family day!

Presented by the Somers Point Bayfest Committee, the City of Somers Point, and local area sponsors. To contact the Committee call 888.300.9010 or send email to [email protected]

Saturday April 25th, 2009 from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Rain or Shine.

Historic Bay Avenue in Somers Point, conveniently located near the Atlantic City Expressway and Garden State Parkway, and just minutes from Ocean City.

OF COURSE the primary focus was on the local bands. The first one on the list is Shore Thing. Shore Thing’s website can be found here. They were right on the bay, playing to the street filled with people and to the kids on the slides.

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Shore Thing band

Did they have enough guitars? I lost count after three.

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Shore Thing's guitars!

Right near them was The Founders, a 6 person Irish-influenced band. They were a really tight band with a cool funky sound.

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The Founders band

They were complete with bagpipes and a Didgeridoo! They rocked out in full kilts:

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Didgeridoo and Bagpipes too

“Bound By Nothing” was set up at Pleasant and Bay avenue. I didn’t get the chance to hear them play, but I took a shot of the stage. They in front of the BMX bikers and skateboarders.

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Bound By Nothing (BXN)

The streets were filled with craft booths and plenty of food. I mean PLENTY of food. (quick warning!)

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If you don't believe me now, you never will

And these kids were having a lot more fun than that pig:

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Taken from the pier!

Did you miss it? Do you have any comments? Do you have any stories from what happened? Let us know with a comment below!

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