Posts Tagged South Jersey

Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

3802285579 0f95de2e04 Some shots from the Music Boutique open mic on August 7th, 2009

The door outside of Music Boutique in Northfield, NJ

I just finished reviewing the Music Boutique in Northfield NJ. It was a very “loose” night. People came and went and the performers weren’t introduced in the traditional open mic manner. So there’s no detailed name list, just a short little post with a link to the pictures:

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The Stage at the Music Boutique

It’s actually called “The Stage” in the email reminders sent out (hence the capitalization). It’s neat that these guys thought of putting it in their music store, especially since this venue is much younger than the store itself.

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The pretty guitars at the Music Boutique

The first 45 minutes (starts at 7pm) of the open mic was a jam session by some of the guys that were there. It was, like I said, very loose — I ended up playing xylophone in the background! And bongos. To reiterate the point from the review: you’ll run into musicians. The manager is a musician. I was approached by two people looking to do some music projects. If that’s what you’re looking for, then by all means, go here.

There’s a few more in the slideshow below:

That’s it for pictures from the Music Boutique open mic in Northfield NJ on August 7th, 2009!

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Review: Sherlock’s Books & Cafe Thursday night open mic

3571131154 4237ee093f Review: Sherlocks Books & Cafe Thursday night open mic

Sherlock's Books and Cafe

This is Alternative Soul’s infant cousin, the only living relative of the open mic family from Pratt’s Hill of Beans.

Sherlock’s Book and Cafe is the home to a lot of arts and music in the Smithville/Galloway area. It’s also the home of Unrestricted“, Ray Tyler’s adult open mic. Some of you may be wondering, “What happened to ‘Alternative soul’ at Pratt’s Hill of Beans?“. It’s here at Sherlock’s Books and Cafe in Smithville/Galloway.

Ray Tyler hosts this event, which starts at 8 and goes until 10pm. It’s a solid mix between singers and poets, and has some of the feel that “Alternative Soul” had at Pratt’s. There were gift card giveaways to newcomers and the talent was really good. Ray always starts off the night with some discussions and jokes, and some original poetry of his own.

The crowd varies in age but from what I saw, it was anywhere from late teens to late 30s, and everyone had about 10 minutes to perform. It was a good night, and a great job on Ray’s part by keeping Alternative Soul alive.


  • Sherlock’s Books & Cafe with host Ray Tyler
  • Thursday Nights starting at 8pm and continuing until 10pm
  • 45 South New York Road (Route 9) Galloway, NJ, 08205

You can also download a print-friendly list of our open mics by going to our “List of Open Mics” page!

Feel free to check out pictures of the new construction: New Addition at Sherlock’s Books and Cafe

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Pictures and video from Bus Stop Music Cafe on July 28th, 2009

3771445588 1b7a378fea Pictures and video from Bus Stop Music Cafe on July 28th, 2009

Outside of the Bus Stop Music Cafe

The other day was the first time I went to the Bus Stop Music Cafe Open Mic in Pitman, NJ. It’s held every Tuesday. I took a TON of photos! Everyone was really great and I had an awesome time.

And just who performed? How about a list!

Read the rest of this entry »

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Review of the Bus Stop Music Cafe Open Mic in Pitman

3771445606 21eedbdf7c Review of the Bus Stop Music Cafe Open Mic in Pitman

The front of the Bus Stop Music Cafe in Pitman, NJ

I went to Pitman to find out what the Bus Stop Music Cafe was all about. I was told it was great and boy was I told right.

The deatils:

  • Every Tuesday starting at 7pm.
  • Located at 148 S. Broadway in Pitman, NJ
  • Hosted by Vick Martinson
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Host Vick Martinson at the Bus Stop Music Cafe in Pitman

The bares bones truth is that this open mic rocks. I say that fully knowing how cliche that sounds on an open mic blog, but that’s just the way it is. I highly recommend the Bus Stop Music Cafe. I place it in the same league as the Barrington Coffee House, which I reviewed earlier this year. There must be something about the area!

So where do you start when you’ve already built something up so much? Probably with a picture of the inside:

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The inside of the Bus Stop Music Cafe is lined with records

And while this photo serves more as a testament to the event’s popularity, it also gives us a glimpse at the inside. The Bus Stop Music Cafe has the same kind of cool feel that Coffee.Comedy in Sea Isle City has, which is a very good thing.

I’d like to also note that there were people of all ages, and everyone was very talented!

Outside of having a great crowd and a cool inside, the Bus Stop Music Cafe’s open mic night has a dedicated soundman. His name is “Wolfman Fran”, which is just as awesome as the idea of a dedicated sound-guy at an open mic. There’s not much more to explain other than the fact that he did a great job. Oh, and he turns out echo when Vick announces someone. “Hereeeeeeeee’s Joe!”

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Wolfman Fran keeping everything under control

(The Bus Stop is also holding it’s own with a very nice Bose speaker setup. Definitely a treat.)

Let’s review:

  • Packed event - don’t worry about showing up to three people, because it’s a well known night.
  • Cool environment – if the walls don’t make you play more soulfully, it’s your own fault.
  • Dedicated sound guy – Because you’re tired of listening to “Can you hear my voice? Is my guitar too loud?

I should be getting paid for this kind of thing! But seriously everybody, check out the Bus Stop Music Cafe on Tuesdays, it’s a great time.

(And don’t forget: You can download a print-friendly list of open mics! It includes this one and is ALWAYS up-to-date. Get it here:

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Gregorio’s Market open mic in Mays Landing on July 22nd, 2009

gregorios may1309 004 300x225 Gregorios Market open mic in Mays Landing on July 22nd, 2009

A shot of the bakery/cafe before the open mic started

In case you didn’t read the review, you can learn more about the Gregorio’s Market open mic night by clicking below:

Gregorio’s Market in Mays Landing, NJ – Open Mic on Wednesdays

There were some newcomers like Steve & Katie, and Luke. Also, we got to hear a lot more from Passenger. Hopefully, we’ll hear a lot more from them very soon; they’ve got a great sound for such a new collaboration.

Other performers included:

  • Eric Johnston
  • Sarah Bucknam
  • Stan Schwertly
  • Jennifer

Passenger showed up last week and they consist of:

  • Mike Josephsen as the singer
  • Ryan Colvin as the guitarist
  • Kevin Smith on bass

Remember! The Gregorio’s Market open mic is every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month!

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The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)

iveyjn The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)


The Doris Jazz Room is located in Pleasantville, NJ. Last night, in light of the recent news that Pratt’s Hill of Beans is moving from their EHT location, the Thursday night open mic was held at The Doris Jazz Room. Ray Tyler was the host and he went out of his way to make sure there was an event for Thursday night.

Fortunately, and unfortunately, the night was much smaller than expected:

3707134898 edde004cbd o The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)

The meetup at the Doris Jazz Room

But don’t let the small turnout fool you. From this open mic was some of the best conversation and exchange this side of open mics. And The Doris Jazz Room happened to be the debut of JerseyStix, explained after the fold!

Read the rest of this entry »

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