is coming up on being live for 2 months and we are EXPLODING!

explosion 300x225 Updates! Flickr, Maps of Open mics, and lots more! is EXPLODING!

Thanks to the readers of the blog, we have been expanding way past expectations. The newest additions are:

  1. The Flickr Account: If you want to catch the photos from the open mics in one convenient location, check out’s Flickr stream! We’re testing using it for most of our photos! It’s speeding up the site and people are loving it.

  2. The Google Map of Open Mics: You can now see where every open mic is located on our custom Google map of open mics! Each pinpoint location contains a link to the review for that open mic, and the list is only growing!

  3. The New Look! You’re looking at it now, and it’ll only get better. Contact me if you think you can do better, or if you have any comments on it!

  4. Increased YouTube videos! Check out our Youtube channel, we’re putting more content up with every open mic!

  5. Our new partnership with! With at least one hundred hours of work into, we’ve earned a whole $1.24 in ad-revenue. While JerseyMic IS a labor of love, it’s also labor. Ordering business cards, flyers, and more is cheapest at VistaPrint anyway (where JerseyMic gets its stuff) and you can get a considerable discount through this link (versus using a brick-and-mortar store) and their quality is top-notch!

  6. 25% to 75% OFF All Products at VistaPrint
     Updates! Flickr, Maps of Open mics, and lots more!(Let us know that you ordered through that link (or any banner on our site), and we’ll make sure to help give you a shoutout!)

  7. Interviews with local artists are in the works!

Keep checking out! We were at Gregorio’s on Wednesday, with pictures soon, as well as pictures from last night at Alternative Soul!


We’re going to be having a PARTY in the future to celebrate! Keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Related posts:

  1. New Calendar of Open Mic Nights in New Jersey
  2. Updates for JerseyMic (The end of June)
  3. Interns, updates, and parties
  4. Quick updates for
  5. Storm is on Hiatus, JerseyMic updates