There’s no need to be. Maybe you’ve never been to an open mic and you don’t know what it’s about. Or maybe you share the same thoughts that Audrey Soukup of the Courier Post had:
“It’s natural for a person to think that an open mic event at any cafe or coffeehouse will turn into a smog-filled gathering of beatniks and hippies. That’s what I thought.”
(Source: “A clear view of open mic nights“)
It turns out, however, that this the complete opposite of what you can expect. You can expect entertainment by local people that you might even know. And in the case of coffeehouses, you can expect to be accompanied by a cup of coffee and maybe a friend or two. So what did Audrey have to say after she visited?
“We don’t need big-name performers with expensive concert tickets to have a good time. Maybe open mic night is the spice needed to revive a generation that no longer believes in dating? Maybe it’s a good way to spend the evening with a friend or parent.”
If you want to see what your area has to offer in terms of music and poetry, come out. If you want to perform for the first time and you’re nervous, come on out. And if all you’re looking for is a good time to catch up on a book, or get out in the open and have some coffee, come out. Everything tastes better with live entertainment.
Plus, for performers open mic nights are an avenue for expression without the fear of being lost in the crowd. Kaelin O’Connell from explains the issue with playing is noisier venues,
“Performers, too, appreciate the calm, quiet setting of coffee houses to noisy, rowdy bars.
‘It’s a different vibe. You can hear everything better. A lot of times you put a lot of effort into the lyrics, and people can’t even hear them at bars’ “
(Source: “Coffee, tea, and tunes“)
So there you have it. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Start looking up local open mics to you if you’re interested in:
- Meeting new people.
- Getting a night’s worth of free entertainment.
- Testing out the new song you just wrote.
- Getting reactions from your poetry
- Leaving the house!
New Jersey open mic nights don’t bite (either way), so explore your area for open mic nearest to you! Let us know what you find by using the Contact Us page!
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#1 by Dan on August 30, 2009 - 9:23 pm
Great piece. Too many of my friends think open mics are a dozen guys in a room doing Dylan covers between bong hits. Thanks for shedding some light.
#2 by JerseyMic on August 31, 2009 - 8:21 am
HA! I agree. Thanks for the compliment
#3 by David Walsh on September 28, 2009 - 7:39 pm
I have been playing open-mic nights in South Jersey for more than a few years now. Usually I go to “The Barrington Coffee House” on Thursday nights. This year (2009) they were named “Best Open Mic in New Jersey” by New Jersey Monthly Magazine April edition. (Page 73). I’ve seen the talent at this venue grow over the years as well as the other places that I play at from time to time.
So for those of you who are reading this I would encourage you to get out and visit an open-mic night near you. It can be hit or miss regarding the level of talent you will see and for that the host really has no control. The fortunate part is that most open mic formats limit each performer to two or three songs, around 10 minutes. So come on out and check out the local talent in your area and bring a friend or two.
Check it out
#4 by Poetry Ladybug on March 16, 2010 - 12:30 pm
Hello I am a poet looking to share my peoms all over nj era for right now.
I would like to know the critiria for a new reading or siting there work?
contact me as soon as u can thanks