tat2 001 300x225 Tunes Against Turmoil 2 on May 10th, 2009 at Tony Canale Park in EHT, NJ: Overview

Tunes Against Turmoil II at Canale Park in EHT, NJ

As our twitter account stated, JerseyMic was at Tunes Against Turmoil 2, and there are TONS of pictures. There were supporters, bands, poets, and doctors. In fact one of our tweets predicted that it was going to be a multiple post event. As the title points out, this is the overview post. Pictures of bands and invited guests will be coming in the next day.

So first off, what is Tunes Against Turmoil? On DoSomething.org, “Tunes Against Turmoil 2″ highlights the problem in Darfur,

“The situation occurring in Darfur is unimaginable. People are being tortured, driven out of their homes, and killed by their government. The project that I am a part of believes that this needs to be stopped. Most people do not even know that a genocide is currently occurring. We even received the question “Who’s Darfur?” Our goal is to raise awareness and make this genocide end as soon as possible to save as many lives as possible.

(Link to the DoSomething.org page)

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The Tunes Against Turmoil 2 Banner/Sign

“Shore News Today” reported on Tunes Against Turmoil 1 last year, saying,

The aim of this service-learning project is to raise funds for various relief efforts in Darfur, particularly Doctors Without Borders, an organization aiming to provide medical care to the victims of the atrocities,” said advisor and teacher Steven Marcus who credits the students with making this a reality.

The concert will have music for all ages and tastes with some high school-age bands playing and some bands with older members chipping in to help their children who are helping put the event together.”

(Link to the article describing Tunes Against Turmoil 1)

Tunes Against Darfur 2 (TAT2) had over 75 volunteers and thousands of combined hours put into the planning of the event. This year, TAT2 was held at Tony Canale Park in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey on Saturday, May 9th 2009. It was $7 for a ticket to get in, which got you 9 bands and 12 noon – 7pm.

The green T-shirts pictured above included all of the important information.

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Tunes Against Turmoil 2 T-Shirt

The T-Shirts were available for purchase, along with wristbands, with all of the proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders, “an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.” (http://doctorswithoutborders.org/)

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Merchandise Table at TAT2

The merchandise must have been moving, because I saw green shirts everywhere. I didn’t know how to best show this other than to go up to a group of people to get a quick shot:

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Judy Janansky, Beth Janansky, Brittany Richman, Amanda Zipf, and Colin Roinson donning their supportive Darfur shirts

Food was available too! Primo’s pizza, cookies, soda and water, with all of the proceeds benefiting the people in Darfur.

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Tunes Against Turmoil 2's Food Tent!

It’s important to note that the profits from this meant incredible help for people in Darfur. Danielle Smith, one of the primary people involved with TAT2, explained the seriousness of the situation,

Buying a cookie here could save a life there. This event has been in the works for a year, ever since last year’s event ended. We have it so nice here, it’s almost like lala land. It’s important to be reminded that people aren’t so lucky. The money raised today goes to Doctors Without Borders.”

Along with the music played (NINE bands), there was a spot for volleyball that stayed popular all day long. That’s seven hours of volleyball!

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SEVEN HOURS of Volleyball.

That’s it for the first installment of Tunes Against Turmoil 2. More to come including pictures of the performers, stands, poets and doctors. And for those of you who didn’t make it, I took pictures of a very peculiar set of speed limit signs on the way out. That’s it for installment 1 of Tunes Against Turmoil 2 on May 10th at Tony Canale Park in EHT, NJ!

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Not a lie, not fake. One after the other

(You are following a series! Continue onto to the next part HERE)

Related posts:

  2. YouTube of all the pictures from Tunes Against Turmoil 2
  3. Tunes Against Turmoil 2: The Second Installment
  4. Tunes Against Turmoil II: Third post (Bands from TAT2)
  5. Tunes Against Turmoil 2: The Final Review!