4552697632 e0c54d69cb b Bayfest Somers Point NJ 2010 with pictures!

Bayfest 2010 in Somers Point NJ

This year’s Bayfest was even better than last year’s Bayfest! This year we’ve got professionally taken pictures to show you too. The pictures were provided by Josh Gager over at ShutterJunkie. If you’re interested in having professional pictures taken and receiving them quickly, email Josh at .

What did you think of this year’s Bayfest? Let us know in a comment below!

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The Beach in Somers Point

You can view the slideshow of pictures below:

Related posts:

  1. BAYFEST 2009 Somers Point NJ
  2. Word from our Sponsors: Free pictures from HP Snapfish
  3. Joshua Gager is the secret JerseyMic intern
  4. YouTube of all the pictures from Tunes Against Turmoil 2
  5. Pictures + video from Gregorio’s Market Open Mic (July 8th, 2009)