shop31 300x136 Alternative Soul at on July 2nd, 2009 in EHT, NJ (pics and video!)

Pratt's Hill of Beans in EHT, NJ

Here are pictures and video from Alternative Soul at Pratt’s Hill of Beans on Thursday, July 2nd, 2009. If you need a refresher course on what “Alternative Soul” is all about, you can check the review:

Alternative Soul at Pratt’s Hill of Beans in Egg Harbor Township

Last night, Alex Siniari was the guest host for Alternative Soul:

3683871320 9c26da1cb9 Alternative Soul at on July 2nd, 2009 in EHT, NJ (pics and video!)

Alex Siniari was the guest host

(Usually the host is Ray Tyler)

 Alternative Soul at on July 2nd, 2009 in EHT, NJ (pics and video!)

Ray Tyler is normally the host

Last night had a lot more poetry than it normally does. It was a great mix up and definitely enjoyable. It makes the sets more interesting by constantly changing your expectations. The order of the night went like this:

  1. Ray Tyler – original poems
  2. Sammy Stiles – original music
  3. Darren Palmer – original poems, including “What For, Darfur?”
  4. Barry Aishton - instrumental guitar
  5. Lolita - original poems
  6. Stan Schwertly – cover music
  7. Alex Siniari asked about “weekly gripes” and “things to be thankful for” in the same question!
  8. Ondrea Siniari - original poems
  9. Jeff Sharky – comedy
  10. Rebecca Numchick – cover songs by Melody Gardot
  11. Saii Nixon – original poems
  12. Alex Siniari – original songs
  13. Doug “Dirty Hands” – original rap. “Jesus”, “Oh No”, and “Yeah yeah”. VIDEO BELOW!
  14. Sarah Bucknam – “You are my sunshine

Without further ado, the Flickr photostream:

And finally, a video of “Dirty Hands” rapping a new original, (assumingly) titled “Jesus”

Related posts:

  1. Alternative Soul (pictures and video) from June 25th, 2009
  2. Alternative Soul on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
  3. Alternative Soul on Thursday, May 28th, 2009 (EHT Open Mic)
  4. Unrestricted on May 26th 2009 at Sherlock’s Books & Cafe (PICS/VIDEO)
  5. The Doris Jazz Room on July 9th, 2009 open mic/meeting (packed w/info)